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Verification is intended to ensure that all components of the HSE-MIS solution are functioning as planned—meeting or exceeding all business requirements and success factors as outlined in the PLAN phase. Using information collected up to this point, Verification provides the scope for the ADVANCE phase including documentation of potential enhancements and limitations to the application, as well as other issues such as training, budget, and resources.

 Key Concepts  

Verification steps include a review and analysis of the results from the success factors that were defined in the HSE-MIS plan. 

Verification should consider the following:

  • Does the HSE-MIS solution meet or exceed the key business requirements as outlined in the HSE-MIS Plan?
  • Did the HSE-MIS solution meet or exceed key success factors within budget and on time?
  • Is the HSE-MIS solution doing what it was designed to do?  Is the HSE-MIS solution meeting users' expectations?
  • Is there a rigorous change management process defined so that the documentation, finished product, and expectations all match?
  • What potential enhancements would be valuable?


 Practical Advice  

Conduct a post-implementation review meeting at a pre-determined time after the HSE management information system is operational.

  • Include key members of the project team as well as representatives from the user community.
  • Review key success factors and identify what was achieved and not achieved. 
  • Work with the appropriate project team members to create an action plan for success factors not achieved.
  • Review the development process and identify process improvements. Did the process work smoothly or would improvement help future projects?

Use external benchmarking to identify and evaluate best practices against internal processes. Benchmarking outside a particular industry can be a productive effort if the companies are thoughtfully chosen. Select companies who have similar processes to yours even if the products or services they provide are not similar.


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