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Performance Measures


Performance Measures specific to an HSE-MIS application or solution can help quantify the benefits of the investment and project success. For example, is there quantifiable benefit to the business? Does the system utilize resources more effectively and improve performance?

GEMI offers tools, resources, and information on specific HSE topics, including performance metrics.  For example, the GEMI Metrics Navigator™ is a tool to help organizations develop and implement metrics that provide insight into complex issues, support business strategy and contribute to business success. The tool presents a thorough, six-step process to select, implement and evaluate a set of ‘critical few’ metrics that focus on an organization’s success. Each step provides guidance in the form of a worksheet, series of questions or checklist.

 Key Concepts  
  • Performance Measures should reflect how you have defined success in the PLAN phase. It may include the success of the system as well as how the system is impacting actual HSE performance. Are there business measures in place to track performance?

  • Performance Measures should include financial evaluation tools for assessing tangible costs and benefits, as well as measures for evaluating less tangible benefits such as reduced environmental risk, improved relationships with external stakeholders, increased market share, and improved worker productivity.

  • There are direct and indirect costs and savings, and there is a difference between dollar savings and benefits such as improved reporting or environmental performance.


 Practical Advice  
  • Establish baseline performance.
  • Review the planned savings and benefits identified during the PLAN phase to see if they were achieved.
    • Create a tool or process for measuring the savings. It could be automated or manual as long as the team agrees that the measurements are accurate.
    • If the new application is not meeting expectations, analyze to see if there are modifications that can be made to improve the process. This task moves into the ADVANCE phase.
  • Savings from a new application are usually less tangible, or quantifiable, than benefits. For example, one benefit may be improved reporting. Identify how users expect reporting to be improved. The specifics may not have been identified during the PLAN phase.
  • Assess whether the benefits from implementing the new or improved application were achieved. If not, identify any modifications. Again, this task moves into the ADVANCE phase.

Reference the GEMI Metrics Tool


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