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The ADVANCE phase is a continuous improvement element which ensures responsiveness to constantly changing business needs and technology. Organizations continually modify their business strategies and tactics to achieve and sustain their objectives. In addition, the HSE-MIS solutions must be modified and improved to align with changes in business strategy and maintain up-to-date information on the latest legal, regulatory, and performance requirements.

The ADVANCE phase "steps" do not necessarily occur in sequential order.

 Key Concepts  
  • New requirements will always influence HSE-MIS projects—How should these be handled?
  • How does a company integrate the technology and the business? Technological advances are the enabler to integrating HSE-MIS processes into core business processes.
  • Globalizing HSE-MIS solutions is becoming a key requirement. Customers look globally at how a business sustains its resources. How will companies meet this new requirement?
 Practical Advice  
  • Don't make the same mistake twice! Gather and study lessons learned from previous successful and unsuccessful HSE-MIS solution attempts.
  • Think strategically when it comes to technology and business changes.  Initiate and maintain a routine communication network or steering committee to include key business partners such as manufacturing, supply chain, information management, and others as needed.
  • Be ready to prove how the HSE-MIS project demonstrates sustainability and forward thinking.   Develop and demonstrate an HSE-MIS vision including how it integrates with existing business processes and infrastructure.

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