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Gap Analysis


Gap Analysis involves evaluating the current ("as is") status of HSE-MIS and its intended future ("to be") state, based on the Process Mapping, Information Analysis, and Technology Vision steps. Gaps are documented, compiled, and organized in an effort to define and clarify solutions or improvements. These solutions are prioritized in the next step, Prioritization.

 Key Concepts  
  • Compare existing systems with future needs.
  • Document barriers as they arise.
  • Identify and document costs of enhancing existing systems to address gaps. Include the indirect or unexpected costs of existing systems and the benefits of changing or updating processes.
  • Identify areas that need to be addressed.


 Practical Advice  
  • Newly identified gaps that were not part of the HSE-MIS Plan may not need to be addressed at this time or with this project.
  • Any known obstacle that was not addressed earlier in the planning model should be addressed at this time.
  • Potential obstacles include:
    • Real-time problem solving and managing change
      • Business requirements may have evolved since the initial development of the corporate strategic business plan. New business requirements may need to be evaluated and incorporated.
      • Corporate direction may have shifted since the beginning of the HSE-MIS planning process. This may impact goals, funds, and resources.
      • Lock system design and requirements at a pre-determined date and focus efforts towards implementing the plan.
    • Underestimating the work involved
      • Facility personnel tend to underestimate the amount of time required to perform certain information management tasks. As an example, check to see that the number of reports required is estimated accurately.
    • Inadequate technology to meet the requirements
      • The technology deployed by a company and the current infrastructure may be inadequate to meet the requirements desired for the HSE-MIS.
    • Marketplace technology incompatibility
      • Technology available for purchase in the marketplace may not be mature, lack needed features and functions, or may be too advanced for your platform.
    • Poorly defined standards
      • Corporate information technology architecture and data standards may be poorly defined, managed, and/or enforced. The more consistent these standards remain across the organization, the higher the success factor for implementing the HSE-MIS Plan.
    • Security challenges
      • The complexity of integrating multiple work processes and information systems may introduce unforeseen security challenges.



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