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System Testing


System Testing involves reviewing the results of the pilot, making needed technical changes and conducting final testing to ensure that the solution will work on a larger scale. System Testing may also include validation of whether the solution is functioning as stated in the Business Rules.

 Key Concepts  
  • The team, especially the HSE function, must remain highly engaged during System Testing and Validation to ensure the system meets expectations.
  • Testing scenarios or test scripts require primary input from HSE. Test scripts will validate the business processes.
  • See Business Rules and Verification steps for additional concepts.
  • Validation is a key step for achieving user satisfaction.
 Practical Advice  
  • HSE must be very closely involved during the validation process. This is not a time to sit back and think the work is finished. Specifically, HSE must assume the role as the key contributor to the testing scenarios or test scripts that are used to validate the system.
  • Ensure that there is a documented, specific test plan and that the proper amounts of resources are allocated to the task (a good rule of thumb is 25 percent of project costs).
  • Ensure that the testing population reflects the user community. Consider the number and type of users who will be testing (e.g. corporate, facility, department, regional, and international audiences.)
  • If test results reveal problems, identify the significance of the problems and potential resolutions. Determine if the application can be rolled out as is, with quick fixes, or whether the problems are "show-stoppers."

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