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Strategic Evaluation


Strategic Evaluation refers to utilizing the combined information gathered throughout the PLAN, DO, CHECK AND ADVANCE phases and aligning it with the company's overall business strategy. In particular, it is important to understand the organization's strategy and vision as they relate to implementing business processes and how an HSE-MIS solution will or can align and bolster that strategy or vision.


 Key Concepts  
  • This process is a reevaluation of the overall strategy which feeds back into the HSE-MIS Plan.
  • Identify and engage those business leaders that are developing or implementing the company's information management strategy. They can help ensure that HSE processes are embedded where possible within other business processes.
    • Are there new strategies coming from management committees or governance bodies which could have an impact on the HSE-MIS plans?
    • Is the company moving toward centralized or decentralized system infrastructure?
    • What platforms and software are planned for the future? Will they support an HSE-MIS application and is it feasible?


 Practical Advice  
  • The business or information systems strategy may not be an exact fit for HSE-MIS integration. Evaluate the degree to which the HSE function can use the existing and planned platforms. Use the 80-20 rule as a guide—Can 80 percent of HSE needs be supported by existing platforms, with only about 20 percent needing customization?
  • Engaging the key strategic business leaders in integrating HSE-MIS can provide numerous advantages, including learning the business language and communicating HSE needs in those terms.
  • Refer to the PLAN phase.



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