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The DO phase involves carrying out the HSE-MIS Implementation Plan that was developed during the planning process. Manage the project issues, especially high-impact issues, throughout the implementation process. Focus on meeting the objectives of the HSE-MIS Plan and always look for ways to make the implementation process more cost-effective and efficient.

 Key Concepts  
  • The HSE-MIS Implementation Plan is the driver for the DO phase.
  • The cross-functional team established during the PLAN phase remains a critical resource. If new team members are needed, team selection is important.
  • Project management skills are the single greatest contributing factor to success or failure in this process. 
  • Install a management of change process. Make sure proposed changes to the scope are thoroughly evaluated.

Visit Project Management Institute ( for additional resources.

 Practical Advice  
  • The internal MIS function, if available, has practical experience in managing MIS projects. Seek, understand, and use this expertise. Often, the MIS function has a project management methodology, software, or both to help drive the project. 

TIP: "Don't reinvent the wheel!"

  • The HSE and information systems partnership remains critical during the DO phase. Make an effort to maintain it and make team-building a part of the HSE-MIS Plan. 
  • HSE project managers for the Implementation Plan must thoroughly understand and capably manage the project's budget.
  • Many benefits become apparent during the DO phase. Be ready to document and validate that they meet the objectives of the HSE-MIS Plan. Do not add to the scope unless the objectives and the budget can be adjusted to bring value to the overall project.

TIP: "Beware of Scope Creep!"

  • Challenge the team to frequently validate that the efforts during the DO phase are meeting the expectations of the HSE-MIS Plan.

TIP: "Ride the horse where you want it to go!"


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